It's not too late, is it?
The Event passed off unremarkably, not even many fireworks down in the valley we overlook. Perhaps people were just so jaded after the Christmas thing, or perhaps a beginning to reigning in spendig, like the government wants. Anyway, it suited our mood and we are all in this together!
New year, new beginnings. The Daughter and The Boyfriend came for dinner and games on the 2nd. It went ok from our end, but things may have been a bit fraught at theirs Anyway their stay was pleasant enough. The rest of that week passed off quietly and we were glad of it. No 2 Son returned to work, and the Wife and I returned the house largely to order, but we still have all that drink...
This (2nd) week has been occupied. I suddenly had a warning light on the dashboard telling me the brake pads are clapped, so the car is booked in for Friday for remedial work. Vauxhall attended to the recall work within 20 minutes on Monday but I haven't noticed any difference yet. No 1 Cat went to the vet for a blood pressure test on Tuesday and was found to be OK. That visit and one the previous week for routine jabs cost me £64. Wednesday I had off (!) and today I was at the quacks for a minor routine check; all is well.I really don't know what I shall do next week as normally the demands of this week would be spread over a month! Still, the car goes in tomorrow for the brakes, but who knows what else they may find...?
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