I have been looking, somewhat in a dilatory way, at digital cameras. I have a perfectly serviceable SLR film camera, but it is heavy, cumbersome, and not so user friendly as the modern digitals. However, I have been overwhelmed by the sheer choice available, in terms of both specification and price. Time was when camera shopping was much simpler! I guess that I am going have to properly analyse my expected (desired?) use of the instrument before shopping, and that is such a bore. Still, it could be cheaper in the long run rather than buying something which I later regret. If only I understood the technicalities a bit more, or at all.
The Daughter pointed me at a website a while ago, where one can ask for, or give away, unwanted items. Since I am currently in the throes of clearing the garage there are a few items I need to discard. Two such items were a pair of bathroom cabinets, and a computer table. I advertised the cabinets as a "test balloon" and very quickly had several positive responses. My chosen recipient then proceeded to blow hot & cold on the deal, causing me to approach another responder who remained silent! Just when I despaired, the original contacted me (something like 8 days later) and happily took the cabinets. She later emailed to say how delighted she was. A week or so later I saw an advert for a computer table. I volunteered the supply and because the lady in need was disabled (and local) I delivered it. The table was in a dismantled state, but fortunately the lady's nephew was visiting and after a few hours I had an email to say that assembly was complete and they were happy. So, the system works and may now become a regular source of disposal for items that we have no more use for.
We have acquired a barbecue. To try it out The Daughter and The Boyfriend came to join us one Saturday evening. It turned out to be the world's shortest barbecue. The charcoal burned for only about 20 minutes before expiring, necessitating the food being cooked in the kitchen. A good and jolly time was had by all, but I think we need a bit more practice. Once the weather improves, and possibly when Number One Son and his new wife arrive next week, an opportunity will present itself